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Re: GoB-Open 15-16 February

Postat: 14 feb 2014, 08:47
av SamuelB
Papa D skrev:Tja

Visst blivit så att jag e gräs änkling denna helg.

Får jag komma å kriga om det finns plats i en bil?

Om ja så tänkte jag spela:

SM/Tau om jag får ihop nåt annars Crons/tau

Har inte tittat på listor då jag kom på i går natt att jag skulle kunna åka.

Hoppas det går bra.

Hallå hallå!

Det är kul att du vill komma ner o spela också.
Hoppas ingen har något emot att din lista kommer in lite sent.

Till denna turneringen så har vi valt att göra ett undantag och inte dra av pts (Det är ganska tråkigt också vi är ändå här för o spela)


Re: GoB-Open 15-16 February

Postat: 14 feb 2014, 08:52
av LillePer
Hejaheja! (Tråkigt med Dugg men kul med Papa)

Re: GoB-Open 15-16 February

Postat: 14 feb 2014, 08:57
av Papa D
Postar en lista här i ful format - så kommer det i fin format under dagen då mina morgon möten är slut.

Overlord MSS, 2+, scythe 130
2 x voltiac 50

1 Buff commander w tankhunter, iridium, drones controller 138 (tror jag)

3 crisis suits w 2 x missilepod, 4 marker drones

5 Immortals w gauss 85
1 Night scythe 100
5 Immortals w gauss 85
1 Night scythe 100
5 Immortals w gauss 85

10 kroots 60

5 Pirayas w burst & gundrones 200

1 Doom scythe 170
1 A.barge 90

De blir 1497 komp2

Hoppas inte de kommer en massa LR eller 2+ gubbar..


Re: GoB-Open 15-16 February

Postat: 14 feb 2014, 09:13
av SamuelB
Papa D skrev:Postar en lista här i ful format - så kommer det i fin format under dagen då mina morgon möten är slut.

Overlord MSS, 2+, scythe 130
2 x voltiac 50

1 Buff commander w tankhunter, iridium, drones controller 138 (tror jag)

3 crisis suits w 2 x missilepod, 4 marker drones

5 Immortals w gauss 85
1 Night scythe 100
5 Immortals w gauss 85
1 Night scythe 100
5 Immortals w gauss 85

10 kroots 60

5 Pirayas w burst & gundrones 200

1 Doom scythe 170
1 A.barge 90

De blir 1497 komp2

Hoppas inte de kommer en massa LR eller 2+ gubbar..

Kompar inte denna 3?
buffcommander 1 (För tankhuter)
Samt 2 för 2st flygplan

Re: GoB-Open 15-16 February

Postat: 14 feb 2014, 09:14
av LillePer
Jo det gör den. Papa missade förmodligen tankhunter grejen.

Re: GoB-Open 15-16 February

Postat: 14 feb 2014, 10:36
av Papa D
Men å.. han ska ha buffen som inte ger komp..
Trodde det bara va re-rull och ignore cover som gav minus. Kollar och åtgärdar.,


Re: GoB-Open 15-16 February

Postat: 14 feb 2014, 10:49
av Papa D
ny iteration

Overlord 115p
Scyth, 2+
2 x voltiac staff cryptec 50

Commander 152
Irridium Armour, Control and command node, Dronecontroller, 2 markerdrone

3 crisis suits w 2x missilepods, 3x markerlights, 3 x targetlock 207

10 Kroots 60
5 Immortals w Gauss 85
1 Night scythe 100
5 Immortals w Gauss 85
1 Night scythe 100
5 Immortals w Gauss 85

5 Piraya w burst & gundrones 200
1 A.Barge 90
1 Doom Scythe 170

Re: GoB-Open 15-16 February

Postat: 14 feb 2014, 11:06
av Dugg
SamuelB skrev:
Dugg skrev:I am sorry to say I have some bad news. I had to change my flight over because of work and will now miss the tournament. I hope I can get the chance to see some of you guys while I'm over there. I will be coming in on Tuesday after the event now. I am pretty bummed and was really looking forward to the event as well as meeting you guys in person.

I will talk to Joakim about bringing up some TableWar prizes for the event even though I will not be there.

I will be coming over for 3 weeks in the Summer as well. I hope I will be able to find an Event up in Stockholm while I'm there and get the chance to meet some of you in person.
That was sad. I was looking forward too have you on the tournament. Hopefully can you come to us another time and we didnt scare you away :twisted:
Me Scared? haha. You guys do not even bring guns to your tournaments, like us Americans. It's the old West over here in San Diego. ;p

I was really looking forward to playing you Swedes and getting myself started in the Swedish rankings. I really want to try out this "Komp" system of yours. It would be nice to have a ranking when I finally get my Swedish Citizenship. I will be writing down on my Citizenship forms that I want to be Swedish so I can get on the Swedish ETC team. haha

And let us not forget, I was also really looking forward to sitting down with Flogger and explaining to him the rules of 40k over Fika. I am a big fan of Swedish Fika. ;-)

Re: GoB-Open 15-16 February

Postat: 14 feb 2014, 11:57
av refabricated
@Dugg, to bad you can't make it. But its great news that you are moving to Sweden(don't bring your guns, they'll cause a hassle at customs...).
I really hope to see you come summer!

@Papa D
Underbart att du kommer!

Re: GoB-Open 15-16 February

Postat: 14 feb 2014, 12:03
av LillePer