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Gamers Weekend - Kompmall

Postat: 15 dec 2013, 20:51
av Joakim
- Link to Flabbergast with composition.

You can score a composition of 0-20.

General Rules

Highlander Comp:
o Maximum 1 of any army list entry outside of Troops.
o Maximum of 3 duplicate army list entries from Troops if more than 1 entry is available.
o Maximum 3 of any one type of dedicated Transport; i.e. 3 Rhinos, 3 Trukks, etc (see further restrictions on flyers and AV14).
o Maximum 6 dedicated Transports in total.
o Maximum 1 Land Raider of any type.
o Maximum 1 Flyer or FMC.
o Maximum of 2 vehicles with AV14 on any facing may be taken.
o Maximum of 5 models can be purchased for any unit that has a 2+ save (i.e 5 Terminators, 5 Mega Nobz, etc). n.b. this does not include any attached independent characters.
o Maximum 1 independent character that may move more than 6” on its own in the movement phase.
o If a character ‘unlocks’ an army list entry to become Troops (i.e. Belial and Deathwing Terminators) then no more than 2 of said entry may be taken as Troops.
o If vehicles may be taken as a squadron then no more than 2 vehicles may be taken per squadron.
o Maximum 1 IC with 2+ Save
o No 2+ save if able to turbo boost or has a cavalry.
o Maximum 5 Special or Combi-Weapons in one unit.

General Banned List:
o Storm Ravens of any kind.
o Fortifications

Dessa kommer inom kort.

o Farsight Enclave Codex.
o Iyanden Codex.
o Black Legion Codex.
o Iron Hands
o Inquisitor

You might use IA, but send me a PM with the rules so that I may check them first.

o No allies

Blood Angels
o No Mephiston.
o Maximum 2 Priests/Corbulo.
o No Corbulo if Terminators present in army.
o Maximum 6 Death Company if Land Raider present in army.

Chaos Daemons
o No Fateweaver.
o No Grimoire of True Names.
o Maximum 1 Exalted Reward.
o Maximum 6 psychic levels across the army (excluding Horrors). Count FMC lvl twice.
o Maximum 40 Beasts and/or Jetbike wounds across the army, including HQ choices.
o Maximum 3 Walking Monstrous Creatures, including Soulgrinders.

Chaos Space Marines
o No Helldrakes with Bale Flamer
o Daemon Princes may not take Black Mace or Axe of Blind Fury.
o If a character is riding a Juggernaut they may not take Axe of Blind Fury.
o Maximum 6 psychic levels across the army. Spell Familiars count as 1. Count FMC lvl twice.
o No HQ with steed, bike or jump pack if chaos spawns are present.
o Maximum 40 Plague Zombies.

Dark Angels
o No Azrael
o May take Sammael OR Belial, not both.
o No Standard of Devastation or Fortitude.
o Maximum 1 Ravenwing Grenade Launcher per army.
o If Darkshroud is present then a maximum of 7 Black Knights across entire army (Fast Attack and Ravenwing Command Squad, Apothecary count as 2).

Dark Eldar
o Maximum 1 Shadowfield
o Maximum 3 Beastmasters and 5 Beasts per Beastmaster, if Shadowfield is present

Grey Knights
o No Rad Grenades
o Max 1 character with Grand Strategy
o Maximum 6 Death Cult Assassins and/or Crusaders.

o No Eldrad
o Maximum 5 Warlocks on Jetbikes
o Maximum 1 Wave Serpents if Wraith Knight or Riptide is present.
o Maximum 2 Wave Serpents.
o Wave Serpents may not take Scatter Lasers.
o Maximum 2 Units of Windrider Jetbike
o Cannot take an allied Riptide if Wraith Knight present in army.
o Cannot take both a Mantel of the Laughing God, Phoenix Gem and/or Eldar Jetbike on the same model.
o Maximum 2 shadow weavers

Imperial Guard
o Maximum 3 Ordnance Barrages; Manticore counts as 2, Sly Marbo counts as 1.
o Maximum 7 Barrage weapons.
o Maximum 3 Infantry squads in any single Platoon.
o Maximum 3 Heavy Weapon squads and/or Special Weapon squads in any single Platoon.
o Maximum 1 Commisar or Lord Commisar

o No Immotek
o No Mindshackle Scarabs
o May take Nemesor OR Obyron, not both.
o May take Destroyer Lord OR Wraiths, not both.
o Max 18 Wound in Tomb Spyder and Scarab units.
o Max 3 Quantum Shielding
o No Night Scythe if Abyssal Staff or Haywire Staff in army
o No 2+/3++ if Chronometer is present.

o No Ghazkull if open topped transport is present.
o Maximum 5 Nob Bikers.
o Maximum 120 of the following models in total across the army: Ork Boyz, Stormboyz and/or Lootas.
o Kustom Force Field counts as 30 models for the above limit.

Sisters of Battle

Space Marines
o No Tigirus

Space Wolves
o No Logan Grimnar if Longfangs with Drop Pod is present.
o Maximum one Rune Priest OR Njal Storm Caller.
o Cannot take both Saga of the Bear and a 2+ save on the same model.

o Maximum 2 High Yield Missile Systems.
o Maximum 8 Wounds in a Broadside unit.
o Maximum 4 Smart Missile Systems
o Maximum 6 Markerlights. (Maximum 4 Markerlights that hits on 2+)
o May take Farsight OR Shadowsun, not both.
o Max 2 Units of Fire Warriors if Ethereal is present.
o Max 40 Kroots, Fire Warrior and/or sniper Drones in the army if Ethereal is present.
o May only take 1 of the following in the army: Puretide Engram Neurochip, Command and Control Node, Multispectrum Sensor Suite, Iridium Armor.
o Cannot take an allied Wraith Knight if Riptide present in army.

o No Swarmlord
o Tervigons may not be taken as Troops.
o Maximum 24 T6 Wounds in total across the army.
o Maximum 90 in total of the following models in total across the army; Termagants, Hormaguants, Gargoyles.
o Tervigon counts as 20 models for the above limit.
o Doom may not take a Mycetic Spore.
o Harpy’s are not subject to the maximum 1 FMC limit.

Re: Gamers Weekend - Kompmall

Postat: 15 dec 2013, 22:07
av Poet
Hmm.. finner inte kompen på någon av listorna? Finns det möjlighet att skriva ut vad dem fick så man har en hum om vad som är Ok?

Re: Gamers Weekend - Kompmall

Postat: 15 dec 2013, 22:12
av Katarsis
Poet skrev:Hmm.. finner inte kompen på någon av listorna? Finns det möjlighet att skriva ut vad dem fick så man har en hum om vad som är Ok? ... t&aT_id=21

Re: Gamers Weekend - Kompmall

Postat: 15 dec 2013, 23:35
av Flogger
Gissar att "mind shackle scarabs" under necrons ska vara "no mind shackle scarabs"? :)

Re: Gamers Weekend - Kompmall

Postat: 15 dec 2013, 23:42
av Max
Nej, alla Necron listor måste ha minst en MSS.
Precis, den får inte användas.

Re: Gamers Weekend - Kompmall

Postat: 26 dec 2013, 15:44
av Serpent
Max en independent character som får röra sig mer än 6" i movement inkluderar även FMC, am I right?

Re: Gamers Weekend - Kompmall

Postat: 26 dec 2013, 17:40
av daskad
FMCs är inte independent

Re: Gamers Weekend - Kompmall

Postat: 26 dec 2013, 22:38
av bjorn
Tycker mallen ser jättebra ut, har inte full koll på alla codexar men det jag kan ser bra ut :)
en fråga, just nu räknas Thousand sons trollis in i de maximala 6, är detta nödvändigt då de ej är så bra eftersom de bara får kasta tzeenych spells :)


Re: Gamers Weekend - Kompmall

Postat: 27 dec 2013, 07:37
av Joakim
Sönerna räknas inte in då de måste slå på Tzeetch?
FMC är inte IC som nämns tidigare.


Re: Gamers Weekend - Kompmall

Postat: 28 dec 2013, 23:33
av Trulsante
Får jag dubblera (snarare kvintett-blera 8-) ) systrarnas präster? Hylander och jag (glädje)läste mallen som så att jag kanske får det.