Genestealer Cult?

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Inlägg: 227
Blev medlem: 09 nov 2008, 22:52

Genestealer Cult?

Inlägg av Ironjens »

Chenna. Jag spelar ju inte så värst mycket 40k längre men jag insåg en grej med nya editionen. Äntligen är det fritt fram att spela Genestealer Cults! BOLS gjorde ju en lustig codex för några år sedan men jag fick aldrig tummen ur röven då. Men nu!

Sen upptäckte jag att det där med allies funkar till och med för necrons, men inte för tyranider av någon märklig anledning. Det kan ju inte vara av fluffmässiga skäl, eftersom Black Templars, som hatar häxor kan alliera med Eldar etc, etc. Som vanligt har GW tappat bollen.

Men man ska inte gråta över spilld säd. Greve Åsna får dyka upp och hjälpa till. Grunden i armén ska ju vara dassiga PDF-trupper med någon tank och så ett gäng hybrider och en tobbetrollkarlsmagus som boss. Kanske en gammelgenestealer också. Frågan är vad som regelmässigt kan funka som hybrider, magus och gammelgenestealer?

Min spontana reaktion, när Tyranider hamnat i slasken, är orker. Bättre på att fajtas, sämre på att skjuta och har extra attacker tack vare sin extraarm. Nobz kan representera extra stora lufsiga hybrider.
Warphead som Magus speglar det gamla fluffet att genstealers blev mer och mer psykiska i grupp för att kalla till sig Tyraniderna. Warboss som Gammelgalten. Annars funkar väl både Inquisitor lord och Primaris. Inq för att spegla fanatiskt ledarskap, primaris för trollandet.

Jag har inte läst nya chaoscodexen, men den kanske går att använda? Vad säger ni som kan det här spelet? Här är lite fluff så länge:


Situated in the Nimbosa system Four-Score is a backwater industrial planet of the Imperium. It has neither the production capacity nor the Mechanicum presence to be labelled Forgeworld and lacks the population density to be labelled a Hive world.

The primary world of the system is the eponymously named Nimbosa II. Nimbosa II, or simply “Two” for short, is an Agri world in the middle of the green belt. It is a world of gentle green rolling hills providing almost all the produce consumed in the sector. It is a lowly populated planet with the giant space port High Nimbosa as its crowning jewel.

In contrast Four-Score looks like a dirty old rock when viewed from space. It is a small planet much farther out from the yellow light of the star Nimbosa, giving it a cold and unwelcoming clime. On Four-Scoure almost all the 580 million inhabitants toil away in industries providing goods and low grade STC products. Four-Score is also one of the biggest Promethium poducers in the closest four sectors, always trying to fulfill the nearby Holy Emperor Shrine worlds of Vengeance’ insatiable demand for the burning liquid. Most of the Promethium plants reside in Four-Score’s biggest city Excelsior, home to 43 million people.

There is a strong Ecclesiarchic presence in the system thanks to the proximity to Vengeance with the systems biggest cathedral built on High Nimbosa.


The Nimbosa System is ruled by High Governor Jaquenor Stross who sits at the head of the ten man strong High Council, ruling from the Iron Spike at the centre of the giant space station High Nimbosa. All power rests with the governor; the council is there to give advice and to carry out what tasks he deigns to delegate.

In reality, tradition dictates that each place on the council has a different area assigned to them, and these responsibilities are hereditary. The most powerful of these are the Assigned Fleet Master, the Assigned Planetary Defence Master and the Assigned High Master. They are responsible for the system fleet, the ground forces and the High Nimbosa space station respecively. The council also includes the Assigned Four-Score Undergovernor, or U-gov for short, Mirkel Mikeda.


Four-Score was one of the planets populated in the lost Dark Age of Technology and then rejoined with the Imperium during the crusades. The story of its retaking is as unassuming as the planet itself. Being out in the galactic east the Nimbosa system survived the Horus Heresy basically unscathed. During the Age of Apostasy the rulers of Nimbosa didn’t even notice the schism going on, despite being in relative proximity to the five Shrine Worlds of Vengeance system, and diligently continued to deliver its tithes to the Imperium.

Being close to the now rising Tau empire and its expansionist efforts Nimbosa has had expanded and increased levies of soldiers imposed upon it, with the last one having unsubstantiated rumours of press-ganging surrounding it. It is also rumoured that Nimbosa for the first time ever failed to fulfil its levy.

Despite being close to the Ultramarines’ realm of Ultramar no love is shared. To the Nimbosan rulers the Space Marines’ rule of an entire sector is tantamount to treason.

Recent developments

Nex Ferrum

Two years ago the Nimbosan rulers had a real fright. A large space hulk not matching any before encountered by the Imperium exited the warp perilously close to Four-Score. Having thus bypassed the outer listening posts it took three days before the fleet had amassed enough ships to bombard the enormous conglomerate of space debris, old ships and warp flotsam into small enough pieces that they would burn up in Four-Score’s cold atmosphere without causing damage to the planet. It had been given the designation Nex Ferrum; Rain of Steel.

Despite the assurances of the Ass. Fleet Master, and the efforts of Four-Score’s satellite defence system, several larger pieces did pierce the atmosphere and crash down, killing millions. But as the impact areas were surveyed it was concluded that the resultant production capacity drop of merely three percent could be averted with imposed shifts for off duty personnel.

The resultant review could not fault anyone as it was inconceivable that anyone would exit warp space so close to a star of Nimbosa’s magnitude. Still, a request was sent out to Forge World Graia for further listening stations to be placed in-system. What was left out of the official report was that it was confirmed that at least thirteen different unknown space ships had arrived and departed the Space hulk in the window between its appearance and its subsequent destruction. No doubt Rogue Traders and unscrupulous merchants normally moored at High Nimbosa had seen their chance at finding untold riches and dark secrets secreted on the hulk.

Further secret enquiries managed to identify seven of the ships and their owners and crew were executed after severe questioning and their ships added to the fleet. The other six ships have yet to be found. Unsubstantiated rumours have cited an increase in exotic artifacts and archeotech available on the black market coinciding with the appearance of Nex Ferrum.

The Benvolent Emperor

Another effect of Nex Ferrum’s arrival and demise was that the largest piece that reached Four-Score’s surface had impacted on its largest shrine; the Shrine to the Vengeful Emperor. In one fell swoop the highest representatives of the Ecclesiarchy on Four-Score had been wiped out. As the church’s representatives on High Nimbosa were unwilling to relocate to the dreadful planet local low level priests were quickly elevated to fill the empty echelons.

Among them was a parish priest known as Haut Fomol. Fomol had been popular among his parishers for preaching about the emperor’s benevolent side. That long days toiling in the factories would lead to a glorious afterlife at the Emperor’s side. Spouting such obvious heresy he had been marked for scrutiny by his superiors. As they had been wiped out before bringing this news to the leaders on High Nimbosa he found himself one of the highest representatives of the church on Four-Score.

Being a very charismatic person he quickly managed to sway a majority of his fellows to his views of the benevolent Emperor. An Emperor who gives without taking, who meets adversity with a smile and who awards his followers with bounties untold.

Such heresies could not go unnoticed despite the distance between High Nimbosa and Four-Score. Enlisting help from the Battle Sisters stationed at Vengeance the High Confessor Jasper Tolc arrived and took Fomol away to be tried for his crimes. A lot of the highest representatives on Four-Score joined him, but the heresy was deemed expunged. People on Four-Score were preached about the Emperor and his vengeance by priests brought in from Vengeance Shrine worlds.

However, a year ago the heresy started surfacing again. But this time with a subtle shift. Now it was laymen's preachers that arrived during breaks at work places and preached the benevolence of the Four Armed Emperor. Many shift leaders and work bosses had also heard Fomol’s passionate speeches and resented the off world preachers sent to preach endless war and suffering. The acolytes of the Four Armed Emperor were given access to surprisingly many workplaces and soon a majority of Four-Score’s work force were affiliated with the Cult of the Benevolent Four Armed Emperor.

The Benevolent Four Armed Emperor

However insidious the cult had worked, to its new members it only claimed the right to preach its lore. The right of Four-Scorers to follow its local spiritual guides. In reality there were darker goals set in motion. Having the largest population of Nimbosa system, Four-Score provided a majority of the soldiers of the Planetary Defence Forces. It was also Four-Score that was levied the hardest to raise the regiments that the Departmento Munitorum required for the war against Tau. This had raised anger amongst the Four-Scorers. Why didn’t High Nimbosa send its people to fight vengeful wars instead if they believed that was what the Emperor wanted?

When yet another demand for levied regiments was sent from the Departemento Munitorum to combat the Tyranid menace approaching from the galatic east the cult’s leadership set things in motion. Revealing just how much of the PDFs had been subverted the Cult of the Benevolent Four Armed Emperor seized control of Four-Score virtually uncontested. At the same time a third of the troops on High Nimbosa showed their allegiance and strove to destroy vital communications nexuses, symbols of official Ecclesiarchy, defence implacements and to take control of the space ports.

The loyalists managed to thwart most of these attacks but in a large blow to moral the High Nimbosa Cathedral was destroyed in a suicide ram by an in-system ore hauler. The central travel station was burned out hampering logistics and the largest of the space ports was lost to the rebels. Gorvernor Stross immediately sent out a distress call and set his forces to rid High Nimbosa of rebels in a first step of campaign.

The space of Nimbosa system has at the same time been turned into a war zone where loyal and rebel space ships play cat and mouse among the debris of the first days of civil war. But a system with four normal planets with at least two moons each, a gas giant with two rings and over twenty moons and an inordinately large Kuiper belt has many places to hide from a pursuer.

On Four-Score the Adeptus Arbites have locked themselves in and await a long siege, but only the cult’s leaders know what the future holds.

The Cult of the Benevolent Four Armed Emperor

Despite the dogma of the benevolent Emperor opening his arms to cradle humanity and to take away their worries the real make up of the cult is quite militaristic. The leadership is so far secret but the cult is divided into the four arms:

The First Arm is the secret enforcers of the cult. Nobody knows who they are or what they do but rumours abound that they help take out threats to the cult. Some rumours even say that they can take on his divine appearance.

The Second Arm is the PDF troops and fleet elements loyal to the cult. All cult followers are instructed to help the Second Arm to win this battle for survival.

The Third Arm is the cadre of preachers and acolytes who help spread the cult's teachings. They help organise the local communities to avoid chaos erupting when the centralized government loses grip.

The Fourth Arm is the people that make up the cult's belivers. That is almost everybody on Four-Score. At least those who have enough sense to avoid the attention of The First Arm.
speedfreek skrev:Jag bygger bara med rövkorgen
...medan jag mest använder fingar, knivar och lim. Och greenstuff emellanåt:
Imperial Fists:

Inlägg: 1538
Blev medlem: 27 okt 2008, 13:02
Ort: Bästkusten

Re: Genestealer Cult?

Inlägg av Asplund »

Battle wagon - limo!

Inlägg: 787
Blev medlem: 13 jul 2009, 17:37
Ort: Lund

Re: Genestealer Cult?

Inlägg av guildmaster »

En mycket sund utångspunkt för en 40k-armé. Fluff FTW!

Det kan bli hur grymt som helst, om man bortser från att du redan har en ork-armé?

Skulle man inte kunna bygga på nya CSM.

Chaos cultisits = genestealer cultists
Deamon lords = Magus
Större monster = hellbrutes, forgefiends mm
Stay alert, trust no one and keep your laser handy!

Inlägg: 6927
Blev medlem: 21 aug 2008, 23:18
Ort: Göteborg

Genestealer Cult?

Inlägg av speedfreek »

Och alliera in Fiends/Daemonetter som stealers som "dyker upp"

Inlägg: 1911
Blev medlem: 12 okt 2008, 01:39
Ort: Lund

Re: Genestealer Cult?

Inlägg av kombat »

Tror chaos codexen med dess cultists blir bra genestealer cult sen kan man köra lite possessed eller spawns för lite mer de genestealerfierade gubbarna eller tom warptalons.

Inlägg: 716
Blev medlem: 03 apr 2012, 22:24

Re: Genestealer Cult?

Inlägg av katzenjammer »

Jag hade kört count-as abaddon eller huron för extra infiltrate och kanske få in fler chosen. De e najs.
Flesh is a design fault

Inlägg: 227
Blev medlem: 09 nov 2008, 22:52

Re: Genestealer Cult?

Inlägg av Ironjens »

Nja, jättelika närstridsmördarmonsterhjältar är nog inte riktigt vad jag hade i åtanke. Men idén med demoner som genestealers tilltalar mig. Då kan modellera några som att de kommer upp ur avloppsrör och dylikt.

Jag får skaffa mig nya boken och fundera lite. Tack för tipsen!

Vad verkar förresten bli nya standarden? 1500 eller 1750 igen?
speedfreek skrev:Jag bygger bara med rövkorgen
...medan jag mest använder fingar, knivar och lim. Och greenstuff emellanåt:
Imperial Fists:

Inlägg: 227
Blev medlem: 09 nov 2008, 22:52

Re: Genestealer Cult?

Inlägg av Ironjens »

Oj, jag upptäckte att smådemoner inte längre ingår i chaosmarineboken. Det var synd för jag gillade Pärs idé med summonade demoner. Grejen är att jag kan tänka mig en massa kultister och kanske en dark apostle som magus. Men de ska ju vara en dassig PDF så då behöver de ju tanks. Alltså måste jag alliera mig med IG och inte demoner.

Eller så kör jag bara på IG och demoner och skippar csm. Det är ju ingen abnorm skillnad mellan kultister och IG. IG har ju dessutom penal troops som lätt kan symbolisera galna zeloter.

Inte lätt det här...
speedfreek skrev:Jag bygger bara med rövkorgen
...medan jag mest använder fingar, knivar och lim. Och greenstuff emellanåt:
Imperial Fists:

Inlägg: 2686
Blev medlem: 08 apr 2011, 13:23
Ort: Ulricehamn

Re: Genestealer Cult?

Inlägg av daskad »

Jag tror IG+Demoner kan bli väldigt bra!
Felix "Daskad" Thuresson
Papa D skrev: Vänd på tabellen och Daskad ligger först, hej, Daskad ligger först, hej, Daskad ligger först!

Inlägg: 6927
Blev medlem: 21 aug 2008, 23:18
Ort: Göteborg

Re: Genestealer Cult?

Inlägg av speedfreek »


Och Marbo...

Skriv svar