Sökningen fann 51 träffar

av Dugg
03 feb 2014, 17:59
Kategori: GoB
Tråd: GoB-Open 15-16 February
Svar: 145
Visningar: 36855

Re: GoB-Open 15-16 February

I am looking forward to meeting everyone and seeing some of you guys again. This will be really fun.
av Dugg
03 feb 2014, 09:33
Kategori: GoB
Tråd: GoB-Open 15-16 February
Svar: 145
Visningar: 36855

Re: GoB-Open 15-16 February

That is referring to spells from 6th edition that don't do damage. JAWS is neither Of these and thus that FAQ-answer is irrelevant. We base this decision On the fact that you fire and cast spells at the same time. This means that the initiative Of the one you're trying to hit is the same as when yo...
av Dugg
02 feb 2014, 21:12
Kategori: GoB
Tråd: GoB-Open 15-16 February
Svar: 145
Visningar: 36855

Re: GoB-Open 15-16 February

That JAWS/gravgun trick will not be allowed at the tournament. We will follow the normal rules for sequencing and thus the JAWS and the grav have to be separate units. Just to be clear where I am coming from here is straight from the FAQ: Q: W hen are effects from non-direct-damage dealing witchfir...
av Dugg
02 feb 2014, 18:45
Kategori: GoB
Tråd: GoB-Open 15-16 February
Svar: 145
Visningar: 36855

Re: GoB-Open 15-16 February

yeah, when an effect is not required to be part of the shooting wound pool we rule that it is the Players choice. It's the Wound pool in 6th that makes things tricky. To bad you don't allow ForgeWorld. I could bring my Death Korp list. My friends named that list. "HobbyKiller - Destroyer of Dreams" ...
av Dugg
02 feb 2014, 09:28
Kategori: GoB
Tråd: GoB-Open 15-16 February
Svar: 145
Visningar: 36855

Re: GoB-Open 15-16 February

@Gonka Koff - You want to play me round 1? You sure about that? I'm running a list I have never played and is not even finished being built/painted. This might not be the Epic match up of the final rounds of Adepticon but I will take that challenge. ;) or does "Grudge Dugg" mean some kind of crazy S...
av Dugg
02 feb 2014, 09:05
Kategori: GoB
Tråd: GoB-Open 15-16 February
Svar: 145
Visningar: 36855

Re: GoB-Open 15-16 February

I think I see your confusion about this. Jaws is not a standard witchfire. I do not have to roll to hit and it does not wound. Think of it the same as the beginning of a Turn. Lets take a Movement phase for example. I get to pick to Roll reserves or cast my blessing correct? Both must happen at begi...
av Dugg
01 feb 2014, 08:31
Kategori: GoB
Tråd: GoB-Open 15-16 February
Svar: 145
Visningar: 36855

Re: GoB-Open 15-16 February

Do I post a rules questions I want confirmed in here for this tournament or in the rules section? I just want to make sure you Swedes play Grav/Jaws the same way we do here. Rule is that Grav and Jaws can be in the same unit, have your target Unit make Grav saves first and than do Jaws Initiative ro...
av Dugg
26 jan 2014, 02:44
Kategori: GoB
Tråd: GoB-Open 15-16 February
Svar: 145
Visningar: 36855

Re: GoB-Open 15-16 February

Hej Guys,

Who do I talk to about giving some Prize Sponsorship for the event?

I just thought if I'm coming over I might be able to bring some TableWar prizes.
I promise "if" i win 1st I will give all the TableWar prizes to 2nd place. ;-)

av Dugg
19 dec 2013, 02:17
Kategori: GoB
Tråd: GoB-Open 15-16 February
Svar: 145
Visningar: 36855

Re: GoB-Open 15-16 February

SWEET! Jag är redan undertecknat.

What is "reports us" mean Joakim Engstrom (SW) ? ;)
av Dugg
10 dec 2013, 00:32
Kategori: M-Wolf
Tråd: Gamers Weekend 25-26/1 2014
Svar: 173
Visningar: 27663

Re: Gamers Weekend 25-26/1 2014

Hej Guys,

What about squadrons? I'm guessing you can take a squadron of 3 tanks as it is still one slot?