Sökningen fann 20 träffar

av Gud er Dansk
25 aug 2014, 09:33
Kategori: Flabbergast-mallen
Tråd: Flabbergastmallen V. 1.3
Svar: 120
Visningar: 32367

Re: Flabbergastmallen V. 1.3

Could you place a limit of max 1 AV12 Flyer instead of banning all Space Marine flyers with AV12? If Chaos Space Marines, Imperial Guard, Inquisition and Necrons can have their flyers and Nids can have 2 flyrants, then surely a single stormraven or stormwolf/stormfang wont upset the balance of the ...
av Gud er Dansk
24 aug 2014, 21:07
Kategori: Flabbergast-mallen
Tråd: Flabbergastmallen V. 1.3
Svar: 120
Visningar: 32367

Re: Flabbergastmallen V. 1.3

Could you place a limit of max 1 AV12 Flyer instead of banning all Space Marine flyers with AV12? If Chaos Space Marines, Imperial Guard, Inquisition and Necrons can have their flyers and Nids can have 2 flyrants, then surely a single stormraven or stormwolf/stormfang wont upset the balance of the g...
av Gud er Dansk
31 okt 2013, 20:14
Kategori: TOK-turneringar
Tråd: Rules questions
Svar: 65
Visningar: 10520

Re: Rules questions

Q: Do Hellforged Artifacts and Daemonic Rewards (pages 65-67) in the Chaos Deamons Codex count as Deamonic gifts for the purpose of the Grey Knight psychic power Dark Excommunication?
av Gud er Dansk
28 okt 2013, 12:00
Kategori: TOK-turneringar
Tråd: Ändringar i listor
Svar: 41
Visningar: 10752

Re: Ändringar i listor

Team Dansk Invasion: Space Marines er Iron Hands :)
av Gud er Dansk
10 okt 2013, 12:33
Kategori: TOK-turneringar
Tråd: Tau signature systems
Svar: 8
Visningar: 2557

Re: Tau signature systems

Ok, but this is written on page 8 in a thread, really hard to find :? So I guess I have no choice to petition to be able to use my Farsight list. Ill gladly post the intended list for all to see if necessary and will accept without complain if I am still not allowed to use my loving Crisis suit army...
av Gud er Dansk
10 okt 2013, 11:49
Kategori: TOK-turneringar
Tråd: Tau signature systems
Svar: 8
Visningar: 2557

Re: Tau signature systems

Hi Neth_Oni Well the one big exception to the normal Tau Codex is that I use Crisis Suits as Troops ;) What I meant with there not being a big difference is that all the hard stuff you can do with the Farsight supplement is already limited by the Komp mallen (Riptides, Broadsides, Ethereal pulse bub...
av Gud er Dansk
10 okt 2013, 10:59
Kategori: TOK-turneringar
Tråd: Tau signature systems
Svar: 8
Visningar: 2557

Re: Tau signature systems

Really?? I have been building and painting a Farsight enclaves list for this tournament and putting lots of painting hours into it as I couldnt find anywhere that stated that supplements were not allowed?? I looked here: http://tok.sverok.net/teamtournament/index.php?page=composition and here: http:...
av Gud er Dansk
10 okt 2013, 10:41
Kategori: TOK-turneringar
Tråd: Painting Points
Svar: 17
Visningar: 4049

Re: Painting Points

Thanx for the quick answer! :)
av Gud er Dansk
10 okt 2013, 10:40
Kategori: TOK-turneringar
Tråd: Rules questions
Svar: 65
Visningar: 10520

Rules questions

Questions Grav weapons 1: 'If I shoot a Grav-Weapon at a mixed armour unit, what do I need to wound?' 2: 'If I shoot a Grav-Weapon at a vehicle that is Immobilised already, do I inflict two Hull Points damage as per the Immobilised result in the vehicle damage chart?" 3: "If I resolve a Grav-Weapon ...
av Gud er Dansk
10 okt 2013, 10:12
Kategori: TOK-turneringar
Tråd: Tau signature systems
Svar: 8
Visningar: 2557

Tau signature systems

Question 1) If I use a Farsight enclaves list and I take Commander Brightsword who has Fusion Blades and the Warscaper drone, can I then take another model in the army with Fusion Blades or the Warscaper drone also? In the tau Farsight supplement it says "Only one of each signature system may be tak...