Sökningen fann 9 träffar

av YeN
19 dec 2012, 11:32
Kategori: Gamla SvFAQer
Tråd: SVFAQn 6.1
Svar: 47
Visningar: 20527

Re: SVFAQn 6.1

Hi all,

Can we use the wording of several points of your FAQ in our french FAQ?


av YeN
27 jun 2011, 19:32
Kategori: Gammal komp
Tråd: Orks
Svar: 562
Visningar: 95005

Re: Orks

I have some questions again :? ... For the Vehicle horde malus, do we count Killakans Squad as one vehicle or we count the Vehicle horde malus for each Killakan? Same for Grot Tanks? I think so, but I want to be sure. eg. are 3 killakans cost -2x3 + (0-1-1) = -8? or 6 Grot Tanks cost -2x6 + (0-1-1-2...
av YeN
11 maj 2011, 08:23
Kategori: Gammal komp
Tråd: Orks
Svar: 562
Visningar: 95005

Re: Orks

No special characters outside of codexes are allowed acording to the swefaq. No units that are considered made for Apocalypse are allowed and they are very reluctant to directly change rules (to avoid confusion), a few very broken units are banned too. Thank you for the explanations. In fact I only...
av YeN
10 maj 2011, 10:35
Kategori: Gammal komp
Tråd: Orks
Svar: 562
Visningar: 95005

Re: Orks

Thank you for the Swe FAQ. I'm surprised that some units as Buzzgob (which is very soft, just remove the "da Big Stompa" rule, even this point is obvious because Stompa are not allowed), or warboss Zhadsnark da rippa are not allowed. I understand that units like Painboss are not authorized because t...
av YeN
09 maj 2011, 13:33
Kategori: Gammal komp
Tråd: Orks
Svar: 562
Visningar: 95005

Re: Orks

So this is normal ^^. Another question, are the missing units like Buzzgob, Painboss, Scrap trukk, etc… are without penalties or they will be added in a future version? For instance, I am using equivalence (eg: Painboss as Nobz one plus one or two points for the IC rule)… [off-topic] Since we (some ...
av YeN
09 maj 2011, 08:18
Kategori: Gammal komp
Tråd: Orks
Svar: 562
Visningar: 95005

Re: Orks

Hello everybody, As in France some tournaments (4 or 5 per year) are using the "Kompmallen" system, and some of them allow the Imperial Armor 8, which I love to play ^^. I notice some (maybe) missing points: - Grot tanks : there is no malus for the grotzooka (like killakan) - Kustom MegaDread : ther...
av YeN
29 sep 2009, 13:28
Kategori: Allmänt
Tråd: T3 . TableTop Tournament
Svar: 11
Visningar: 2912

Re: T3 . TableTop Tournament

Just a small up, there is a good introduction of the european (or more with the recent add of the North American tournament scene) ranking webpage here:


av YeN
08 maj 2009, 19:20
Kategori: Allmänt
Tråd: T3 . TableTop Tournament
Svar: 11
Visningar: 2912

T3 . TableTop Tournament

Hello everybody, I hope this the right place to put this message... I just read some comments on this website (an English version is normally available) so i thing that giving you a small presentation is good. This website site hide a lot of useful tools, for organizer there is several function very...
av YeN
08 maj 2009, 14:36
Kategori: Battle reports
Tråd: Lagturnering i Frankrike
Svar: 58
Visningar: 11323

Re: Lagturnering i Frankrike

Hello guys, If you want to find the video that introduce the team Aquila Crusade, made by Aesta (the girl of the team, who also made the picture of our french ETC T-shirt in 2008) follow the links bellow: http://roclibrarium.over-blog.com A huge version is also available: http://a.thomassian.free.fr...